Taking Care of Our Environment

Sustainability Taking Care Of Our Environment Feature


As a responsible steward of our environment, we aim to produce the highest quality products while improving and safeguarding environmental conditions. We value the natural resources we use and innovate our processes to create safe, sustainable, high-quality pork while reducing our environmental footprint.


Increased fuel mileage efficiency on our internal heavy fleet transport by 7.3% compared to 2019.

Began measuring our electricity, natural gas, and water consumption throughout all HyLife facilities to benchmark usage and set goals in our future reports.

Investigated an experimental drinker system in a nursery barn that achieved a 44% reduction in water use through its implementation. This barn reached the milestone of 3.7 million liters of water saved by August 2020. HyLife has 28 nursery sites with a real opportunity of 265 million liters of water to be saved per year using this system.

The Continuous Improvement team developed innovative solutions to eliminate the waste of plastic at our Neepawa pork plant. Through the team’s efforts, we have successfully eliminated ~100 MT of plastic waste in one year at HyLife Neepawa. This is a 6.68% reduction in total plastic used at the plant.


  • Carbon Footprint

  • Natural Gas, Hydro Electricity, Water Consumption, and Solid Waste

  • R&D and Innovation