
About Feature

Fully Integrated, Premium Pork Production

HyLife's vision is to be the best food company in the world. We’ve grown to be one of North America’s leading producers of premium pork. Our fully integrated operations model sets us apart, allowing us to consistently create excellent products that are enjoyed around the globe.

Why We Do Business

We’re all-in on pork. Everything we do supports our mission to take care of our employees, communities, animals, and customers.


Why do we do what we do? Because we care about the impact we have on others, and becoming the best food company in the world means positively affecting our environment in all that we do.


Once a small, farm-only operation in rural Manitoba, we’ve grown to now be one of North America’s leading producers of premium pork. Our operations and distribution network spans the globe – HyLife’s pork products are designed to impress the most stringent specifications and quality.


HyLife’s fully integrated (or vertically integrated) operations model is what sets us apart. We control nearly every factor that contributes to product quality, from feed commodity procurement all the way through processing and transportation.


Our team of more than 2,500 employees makes us dedicated to realizing our vision. Together, we make HyLife a robust, diverse, and empowering place to grow.

Our Values. Our Guiding Light.

Our core values are a guiding light used to navigate decisions, attitudes, and company culture. We demonstrate these root beliefs every day - they stand for who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

01 Values 03 Community Partners

Community Partners

Who is HyLife? It’s not the brick and mortar, it’s not the feed mills, and barns, it’s our people. Every individual working at HyLife is a part of a community somewhere, and that’s really who HyLife is. We are really fortunate and blessed that our people are actively engaged within their communities, and that they do so with such positive energy.

02 Corevalue 2

Do What We Say, Say What We Do

Our actions dictate who we are and how people view us. We can say who or what we want to be, but you have to live it. People see your actions, and that speaks loudly. When you say something, you do it, and when we lead this way, we build trust in our customers, we build trust in our communities, and we build trust with our employees.

03 Corevalue 3

Empowering People

We’ve always ensured that our people are empowered to know that they make decisions; that they are allowed to own their roles and their teams and drive forward. We want to be trusted, so we trust each other. That’s what has allowed HyLife to consistently grow, and it was critical throughout our transition to becoming a fully integrated food company.

04 Corevalue 4

Get ‘er Done

When we say we’ll do something, it becomes our commitment to overcome barriers and deliver. Simply put, we always rally each other to Get ’er Done.

05 Corevalue 5

Open Door Policy

We listen to our people. There are no barriers to sharing your ideas and being heard. We make ourselves available so we can improve and be better. Sometimes being wrong is a good thing, and we want to discover new ideas from everyone.

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Respecting Animals

We have extremely high standards when it comes to respecting our animals. Our employees come from diverse backgrounds, and while everyone understands the importance of treating animals with respect, we ensure we provide them with the knowledge and the tools needed to make their care our highest priority.

07 Corevalue 7

Respecting People

When you’re working in a team or somebody’s speaking with you, you want them to come forward with ideas. They might not always be great ideas, but the important part is respecting the individual and understanding where they are coming from. It’s not only leadership, or only certain positions – it’s everybody throughout the organization. This leads to the behavior founded in trust. That’s really powerful within our organization, because we have many great people who have great thoughts. Empowering them to share them in an environment that they feel safe goes a long way.

08 Corevalue 8

Striving to be the Best

While becoming the best food company in the world is a lofty vision, it also speaks to what people’s ambitions are. We’re asking you to do your best, and that – it’s an attitude. It’s a way of thinking, it’s a way of performing every day. No matter your role with HyLife, if everybody on the team is striving for the best in what they do, we’re going to be a great company and that’s what makes our vision become possible.

09 Corevalue 9

Sustainable Profitability

Without profitability, we couldn’t do the things we do in our communities or with our employees. We believe running a successful business should never come at the expense of our environment. At HyLife, we think long-term and with corporate responsibility at the heart of our business decisions.

10 Corevalue 10


When HyLife started, we had just a few small barns. There’s a special kind of teamwork within a barn, right? Well, as we continued to grow as a company that value followed us to every new team, and now, you see it everywhere. With our fully integrated operations system, it became really important to continue this between every team – we all help each other be the best. When new employees join HyLife, they’ve said from the outside looking in that they knew there was something different. And once they’re here, they actually see what that difference is – a camaraderie where anybody feels comfortable and supported.

11 Corevalue 11

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

We have a challenging business, and what makes it fun is when you go through challenging times, whatever those times could be, there is also an opportunity. There’s always something we can do that’s going to make us stronger, more agile, or help our employees do their job easier. You have to be open minded when you look at challenges, because opportunity is always there.

12 Corevalue 12

Work Hard, Play Hard

When you’re seeing your coworkers or whoever you’re working with, make it enjoyable – for them and for you. There’s a long-standing farm connection for all of us that when you work hard, things will benefit you. We focus on working hard to stay prepared and to find an advantage, and we focus on playing hard so that we can stay balanced and enjoy our time together.

13 Corevalue 13

Work Safe

We want to work alongside good people, and it’s our obligation to keep them safe. Safety at HyLife is a given for everyone – people will feel happy and will feel passionate and will be able to perform if they feel taken care of in a safe work environment.


With full control over our operations – which include feed production, raising animals, transportation, and processing – we provide the traceability and product quality needed to provide our customers with the exceptional eating experience they seek. We produce 3.6 million hogs per year and process 3.8 million at specialized pork plants in Manitoba.


Animal Genetics

HyLife hogs are carefully selected, bred, and raised to maximize specific healthy traits – this readies us with maximum potential to deliver pork that is always superior in flavour, colour, texture, fat quality, and taste.


Feed Production

We’re able to provide specific nutrition programs for our pigs because we produce our own feed. HyLife operates four high-capacity feed mills that use the highest quality grains, herbs, and ingredients to ensure our products are consistently the best they can be.


Animal Care

The health and respectful treatment of our animals is of utmost importance. HyLife employees are given the education and tools needed to create teams who love to care for animals. Our handling standards, biosecurity procedures, veterinary care, and nutrition techniques ensure a high quality of life for our pigs.


Transportation and Logistics

HyLife’s robust trucking distribution network is divided into feed, grain, and livestock fleets. Our team moves millions of pounds from farm, to mill, to barn, to plant, to customer every day.


Processing and Specifications

HyLife operates a world class plant in Neepawa, Manitoba Canada and has invested millions to optimizing the facility to the highest standard, enabling us to meet specific customer requirements without compromising quality.


International Distribution and Marketing

HyLife products and livestock are in high demand around the world and are exported to more than 20 countries. Our product is second to none and we have built a strong international reputation as a leader in premium pork.


Our Management Team fosters an environment where HyLife’s vision, mission, and values lie at the core of every decision made. We recognize our people are our greatest strength, and our leaders seek to empower employees at all levels in the organization to live up to their fullest potential.


Portrait of Karan Sangfai

Karan Sangfai

President & Chief Executive Officer

Portrait of Guy Baudry

Guy Baudry

Chief Operating Officer

Portrait of Howard Siemens

Howard Siemens

Chief Financial Officer

Portrait of Ron Schellenberg

Ron Schellenberg

Chief Supply Chain Officer


Portrait of Naoyuki “Nick” Funakoshi

Naoyuki “Nick” Funakoshi

Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Head of Japan

Portrait of Lyle Loewen

Lyle Loewen

Senior Vice President, Farm Division

Portrait of Kevin Barkman

Kevin Barkman

Vice President, Infrastructure & Environmental Affairs

Portrait of Ray Hildebrand

Ray Hildebrand

Vice President, Finance & Risk

Portrait of Tunyaluk “Ice” Tongutaisri

Tunyaluk “Ice” Tongutaisri

Vice President, Business Administration (CP Foods)



Hylife Timeline 1

Three Vielfaure brothers (Paul, Denis, and Claude) purchase their first 250 sow farm from their father, Albert Vielfaure, in La Broquerie, Manitoba. Don Janzen starts pig farming in Randolph, Manitoba four years later.


Hylife Timeline 2

The Vielfaure brothers and Don Janzen join to create VL4/Janzen, a company focused on creating the most efficient and integrated operating structure to produce hogs. Construction of their first sow farm, Tritek, takes place.


Hylife Timeline 3

VL4/Janzen starts selling wean and feeder pigs in the United States. Construction of the first Boar Genetic Transfer Centre takes place in La Broquerie.


Hylife Timeline 4

The first finishing barn in Manitoba is built and the VL4/Janzen feed mill is expanded.


Hylife Timeline 5

VL4/Janzen purchases a genetic company from Harold and Marjie Fast called Fast Genetics in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan. This triggered construction of multiplication barns in Canada and the United States in the coming years.


Hylife Timeline 6

The company is renamed to Hytek, focusing on efficient hog and meat production.


Hylife Timeline 7

Hytek gets into transportation by purchasing trucks to haul grain, feed, livestock, and meat. This also includes construction of truck washes and bake bays.


Hylife Timeline 8

A partnership develops between Hytek and Ceres Groupe to expand genetic and nutrition sales in Eastern Canada.


Hylife Timeline 9

Hytek signs a joint venture agreement with Tianzow Food for the startup of a genetic company in China. The next year, the first shipment of Great Grand Parent stock (purebred genetics) is flown overseas to start the first nucleus herd in China.


Hylife Timeline 10

Hytek purchases a meat processing plant named Springhill Farms in Neepawa, Manitoba – a large step towards becoming a fully integrated pork company selling pork products worldwide.


Hylife Timeline 11

Hytek is rebranded and the company names changes to HyLife to better represent an integrated food company. The logo depicts the full cycle of farm-to-fork applications of wheat sheath, green fields, and blue skies.


Hylife Timeline 12

HyLife stretches its reach by exporting into Japan, creating specialized pork products for the Japanese market.


Hylife Timeline 13

HyLife achieves Platinum Status as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies – a distinction still held today.


Hylife Timeline 14

HyLife formulates a unique herb diet to create a new brand in Japan called Herb Sangenton.


About Timeline 2012 Itochu

Japanese trading company ITOCHU becomes a shareholder.


Hylife Timeline 16

HyLife starts construction on a new 250,000 tonne feed mill in Randolph, Manitoba.


Hylife Timeline 18

HyLife opens a new restaurant called HyLife Pork Table as part of a brand marketing strategy in the Daikanyama district in Tokyo, Japan.


Hylife Timeline 19

HyLife completes Project 3750 which expands their fully integrated business model, including new barns, a new feed mill in Killarney, Manitoba, and a major expansion to the Neepawa pork plant.


Hylife Timeline 20

Thai agriculture company CPF (Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited) becomes majority shareholder.


Hylife Timeline 21

HyLife purchases ProVista’s hog farming operations, increasing its production capacity by approximately one million hogs annually.


Hylife Timeline 22

HyLife donates $750,000 to local hospitals amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hylife Timeline 24

HyLife completes improvements to Neepawa plant that sees daily production rise from 8,200 to 8,900 hogs.


About Timeline 2023

HyLife relocates its Head Office to Steinbach, Manitoba following the construction of a new, 50,000 square foot facility.


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Karan Sangfai becomes HyLife’s new President and CEO. Karan is a seasoned global leader who harbors a deep understanding of HyLife’s business and embodies company values.