John Kolesar works as an Admin/Health & Safety Assistant at HyLife’s La Broquerie office. John started working for HyLife in high school and has now been with the company for 5 years. John has previously worked as a Swine Technician, Filing Clerk, Admin Clerk, and spent time in the Environmental & HyLine Pumping departments.
“In the mornings I teach health & safety classes and conduct health & safety site inspections,” said Kolesar about his current role. “I prepare anything that health & safety needs. For Admin, I do a lot of work with invoices, support any organizing or planning of events, fill in at reception, and carry out any other tasks as needed around the office.”
John was asked about why he chooses to work at HyLife.
“Because I like the people that I work with,” responded Kolesar. “I’d rather work here at HyLife than somewhere else where I don’t know anybody. No matter where I go the people that I work with daily are great.”
We also wanted to ask John if he would recommend HyLife as an employer to somebody.
“On a 10 out of 10 scale I would recommend HyLife 10 out of 10 times,” said a passionate Kolesar. “Like I said before the people are great to work with here. The HR team specifically, has an excellent understanding of people. Every department is absolutely amazing to work with. I would never even think to say that there is a department to steer away from. Go and work for any department it just doesn’t matter.”