Local Heroes Recognized in Lorette

September 14, 2021
Read time: 1 min

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HyLife is always looking for ways to support our community. Our Local Heroes campaign embraces the idea that anyone can make their neighbourhood, town, or city a better place. We are committed to celebrating people who make a difference and are currently selecting local heroes, living in in Southeast Manitoba, to celebrate. Winners get the opportunity to feast on an exceptional pork meal created by our HyLife’s Corporate Chef, JP Charpentier. They also get to select a local cause and HyLife will donate $1000 to a charity of their choice.

Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of providing a HyLife Local Heroes experience to Joan Mitosinka’s family and friends in Lorette. Susie and Debra nominated their mother, Joan Mitosinka. Joan passed away this year, but her legacy lives on.

“My mom had a community birthday calendar and everyday, she made calls to people in her community that were celebrating a special occasion. She did this for over 20 years, adding to the calendar every year,” shared Susie.

Joan’s family selected two charities that were close to Joan’s heart – Lorette’s Thrifty Treasures and Manitoba CancerCare. HyLife had an opportunity to talk with Carol From, Board Treasurer, at Thrifty Treasure. From had been friends with Joan and worked with her at the non-profit.

“Joan was a top-notched lady. I’ve known her for thirty-some years,” Carol reminisces about Joan. “In the thrift store, people that we regulars started only coming on days she was in. She had her dedicated customers!”

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